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Woven Structures: A Guide to Oriental Rug and Textile Analysis

 Author: Marla Mallett  Publisher: Christopher Publications  : 1998  ISBN: 0-9663057-4-4  Language: English  Tags: guideInstructionsrugTextilesweaving |
Marla Mallett’s Woven Structures presents, for the first time, meticulously detailed descriptions of knotted pile and flatwoven structures that not only identify weaving techniques but the design characteristics they encourage.  Selvage and end finishes, often given short shrift, receive special attention. As an added bonus, every point she makes is illuminated by marvelously clear photographs and sketches.
Ms. Mallett’s straightforward prose, and her use of generally accepted rug and textile terminology will win plaudits from collectors and dealers alike.  In addition, the listing of features she recommends including in analyses of weavings should prove of great value to advanced collectors and scholars frustrated by the confusing and often misleading systems of notation currently in use.
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Sadu House door puzzle

بوحي من تقاليد المعمار التقليدي الكويتي المتمثل بالباب الخشبي المميز في بيت المرزوق (بيت السدو الكويتي) وبالتعاون مع شركة عيسى وجود يسرنا ان نقدم لكم لعبة تركيب باب بيت السدو المصنوعه اخشاب الطبيعية ومواد صديقة للبيئة.

Inspired by Kuwait’s traditional architecture especially as reflected in the main wooden door of Al-Marzouq House (premises of the Kuwaiti Sadu House), and in collaboration with Eissa and Jude, we are proud to present the Sadu House Door Puzzle made from natural wood and environmentally friendly materials.

20.000 KWD


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