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Arts and Crafts of Thailand

 Author: William Warren and Luca Invernizzi Tettoni  Publisher: Asia Books  : 1996  ISBN: 0-500-27801-6  Language: English  Tags: artCraftsTextilesthailandtradition |
Textiles, probably the best-known example of Thailand’s traditional crafts, form only part of the rich assortment of creative products and techniques presented in Arts and Crafts of Thailand. Over 175 spectacular full-color photographs showcase a wide variety of handicrafts, including baskets, earthenware, water dippers, shimmering silk fabrics, fine silverware, lacquerware, jewelry, furniture, wood carvings, and altar tables and other ceremonial objects. The trappings of Thai theater arts – masks, puppets, dance costumes, and musical instruments – are also represented here.
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Sadu House door puzzle

بوحي من تقاليد المعمار التقليدي الكويتي المتمثل بالباب الخشبي المميز في بيت المرزوق (بيت السدو الكويتي) وبالتعاون مع شركة عيسى وجود يسرنا ان نقدم لكم لعبة تركيب باب بيت السدو المصنوعه اخشاب الطبيعية ومواد صديقة للبيئة.

Inspired by Kuwait’s traditional architecture especially as reflected in the main wooden door of Al-Marzouq House (premises of the Kuwaiti Sadu House), and in collaboration with Eissa and Jude, we are proud to present the Sadu House Door Puzzle made from natural wood and environmentally friendly materials.

20.000 KWD


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