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Palestinian Costume

 Author: Shelagh Weir  Publisher: British Museum Press  : 1988  ISBN: 978-1566567275  Language: English  Classification Number: 391.0095694 W.S  Registration Number: 9  Tags: costumesembroideryheritagemotifsPalestinetraditional |

This book surveys male and female fashions from the nineteenth century to the present day, and describes the main regional styles of costume, their materials and ornamentation, against the background of Palestinian life and culture. The emphasis throughout the book is on the social and symbolic significance of costume, and the final chapters analyze in detail the language of costume in the context of the wedding. The book is based on extensive field research the author has conducted at intervals since 1967 among Palestinians in Israel, the Occupied Territories and Jordan. The illustrations include studio photographs of magnificent garments in the Museum of Mankind and other collections, archive photographs from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and recent photographs of costumes still made and worn.

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Sadu House door puzzle

بوحي من تقاليد المعمار التقليدي الكويتي المتمثل بالباب الخشبي المميز في بيت المرزوق (بيت السدو الكويتي) وبالتعاون مع شركة عيسى وجود يسرنا ان نقدم لكم لعبة تركيب باب بيت السدو المصنوعه اخشاب الطبيعية ومواد صديقة للبيئة.

Inspired by Kuwait’s traditional architecture especially as reflected in the main wooden door of Al-Marzouq House (premises of the Kuwaiti Sadu House), and in collaboration with Eissa and Jude, we are proud to present the Sadu House Door Puzzle made from natural wood and environmentally friendly materials.

20.000 KWD


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