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Ikat Textiles of India

 Author: Chelna Desai  Publisher: Graphic-sha Publishing Company  : 1988  ISBN: 4-7661-0455-5  Language: English  Tags: ikatMuslimTextilesweaving |
This volume deals in depth with Indian textiles in the ikat technique. It is based on the Victoria and Albert Museum’s collection of ikats from all over India, many of which date from the mid-19th century, and represent aspects of weaving and dyeing that no longer survive in their places of origin. A complex form of resist-dyeing in which threads are patterned before weaving, ikat has been used in India since at least the early centuries AD. Over 100 pieces are discussed and illustrated, from the satin-weave mashurs of South India and the silk patola from Gujarat, to simple cotton saris from Orissa and Tamil Nadu and subtly-coloured rumals from Andhra Pradesh. Further sections explore the influence of Indian ikat on the textile traditions of other areas, including South-East Asia, the Middle East and Europe.
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Sadu House door puzzle

بوحي من تقاليد المعمار التقليدي الكويتي المتمثل بالباب الخشبي المميز في بيت المرزوق (بيت السدو الكويتي) وبالتعاون مع شركة عيسى وجود يسرنا ان نقدم لكم لعبة تركيب باب بيت السدو المصنوعه اخشاب الطبيعية ومواد صديقة للبيئة.

Inspired by Kuwait’s traditional architecture especially as reflected in the main wooden door of Al-Marzouq House (premises of the Kuwaiti Sadu House), and in collaboration with Eissa and Jude, we are proud to present the Sadu House Door Puzzle made from natural wood and environmentally friendly materials.

20.000 KWD


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