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History of Architecture in Old Kuwait City and the influence of its Elements on the Architect

 Author: Saleh Abdulghani Al Mutawa  Publisher: Al Khat  : 1994  Language: English and Arabic  Tags: ArchitectBuildingEconomyHistorykuwaitMaterialsreligion |
Building materials were taken from materials available in nature: sea rock, mud, limestone and gypsum. As old Kuwait’s economy depended on the two journeys for diving and travel to Africa and India, Kuwaitis imported teakwood from India, and jandal (trunk) and basajeel (bamboo) from Africa (Mombassa – Kenya). These completed the elements of the construction. The shape of the old Kuwaiti architecture came to suit the environment and circumstances. Houses were adjacent in a manner that indicated the unity and cooperation of the people. Streets were narrow in such a way that the sun did not fall on the full street, and that made the streets cool and shaded. Mosques were the places for prayers, where they pray five times a day, were near the houses. There was a mosque in each district to enable the elders from walking to it without trouble. Kuwaitis care much for their religion.
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Sadu House door puzzle

بوحي من تقاليد المعمار التقليدي الكويتي المتمثل بالباب الخشبي المميز في بيت المرزوق (بيت السدو الكويتي) وبالتعاون مع شركة عيسى وجود يسرنا ان نقدم لكم لعبة تركيب باب بيت السدو المصنوعه اخشاب الطبيعية ومواد صديقة للبيئة.

Inspired by Kuwait’s traditional architecture especially as reflected in the main wooden door of Al-Marzouq House (premises of the Kuwaiti Sadu House), and in collaboration with Eissa and Jude, we are proud to present the Sadu House Door Puzzle made from natural wood and environmentally friendly materials.

20.000 KWD


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