Ibjad: Ornate Tent Dividers and Weavings of the Kuwait Desert
A study of the socio – cultural context of Bedouin weaving, design repertoire and imagery of the highly prized tent dividers of the desert of Kuwait.
Author: Altaf Salem Al Ali Al Sabah
Publisher: Sadu House
ISBN: 99906-83-51-4
Language: English
Kuwait Traditions: Creative Expression of Culture
A collection of descriptive essays on the different aspects of Kuwait’s traditions and significant aspects of its material culture; society, culture, crafts and the creative expression. It was selected by Amazon as one of the ten most informative books on the Gulf and the Arabian.
Author: Altaf Salem Al Ali Al Sabah
Publisher: Sadu House
ISBN: 99906-604-1-7
Language: English

From Desert to Town the traditional weaving of Kuwait
This book tells the story of traditional weaving in Kuwait focusing on the historical and cultural aspects of these striking weaving of the desert and town: the nomadic and urban. It also presents a catalogue of a fine collection of traditional textiles and weavings that reflect age old traditions, a rich design repertoire, as well as the sheer creativity and manual dexterity of the people who made them.
Author: John Gillow
Foreword: Zahra Freeth
Publisher: Sadu House
ISBN: 978-99906-972-1-6
Language: Arabic & English
“Al Dhefra,” an Arabic term meaning triumphant and victorious, is a commemorative book published on the occasion of the Thirty year anniversary of the AlSadu Weaving Craft Society, as a token of appreciation to the master women weavers of Kuwait, whose competence, and skill over the years have kept alive Kuwait’s weaving heritage and helped pass it on to younger generations.
Author: Altaf Salem Al Ali Al Sabah
Publisher: Sadu House
ISBN: 978-9921-0-2007-6
Language: Arabic & English
Turath Al Badiya
Edited Book
Introduction to the study of the desert culture in Kuwait. Papers and proceedings of the Symposium on the Desert Heritage held at Beit Al Sadu in cooperation with Kuwait University on March 31, 1986.
Introduction: Dr. Ahmed Abu Zaid
Supervised by: Altaf Al Sabah
Authors: Mohammad AlHadad, Fatima AlKhailfa, Baderadeen Al-Khasosa, Hessa AlRefai, Abdulrasool AlMosawi
Language: Arabic
Al Sadu | The Techniques of Bedouin Weaving
This book, is the first of its kind on the techniques of Bedouin weaving with detailed descriptions and illustrations of the main design patterns and their setup. The book includes as well a comprehensive glossary of the main sadu weaving terms and their meanings by Dr Azza Kararah.
Author: Anne – Rhona Crichton
Publisher: Sadu House
Language: Arabic & English
Ibjad: Ornate Tent Dividers and Weavings of the Kuwait Desert
A study of the socio – cultural context of Bedouin weaving, design repertoire and imagery of the highly prized tent dividers of the desert of Kuwait.
Author: Altaf Salem Al Ali Al Sabah
Publisher: Sadu House
ISBN: 99906-83-51-4
Language: English
Kuwait Traditions: Creative Expression of Culture
A collection of descriptive essays on the different aspects of Kuwait’s traditions and significant aspects of its material culture; society, culture, crafts and the creative expression. It was selected by Amazon as one of the ten most informative books on the Gulf and the Arabian.
Author: Altaf Salem Al Ali Al Sabah
Publisher: Sadu House
ISBN: 99906-604-1-7
Language: English

From Desert to Town the traditional weaving of Kuwait
This book tells the story of traditional weaving in Kuwait focusing on the historical and cultural aspects of these striking weaving of the desert and town: the nomadic and urban. It also presents a catalogue of a fine collection of traditional textiles and weavings that reflect age old traditions, a rich design repertoire, as well as the sheer creativity and manual dexterity of the people who made them.
Author: John Gillow
Foreword: Zahra Freeth
Publisher: Sadu House
ISBN: 978-99906-972-1-6
Language: Arabic & English

“Al Dhefra,” an Arabic term meaning triumphant and victorious, is a commemorative book published on the occasion of the Thirty year anniversary of the AlSadu Weaving Craft Society, as a token of appreciation to the master women weavers of Kuwait, whose competence, and skill over the years have kept alive Kuwait’s weaving heritage and helped pass it on to younger generations.
Author: Altaf Salem Al Ali Al Sabah
Publisher: Sadu House
ISBN: 978-9921-0-2007-6
Language: Arabic & English
Turath Al Badiya
Edited Book
Introduction to the study of the desert culture in Kuwait. Papers and proceedings of the Symposium on the Desert Heritage held at Beit Al Sadu in cooperation with Kuwait University on March 31, 1986.
Introduction: Dr. Ahmed Abu Zaid
Supervised by: Altaf Al Sabah
Authors: Mohammad AlHadad, Fatima AlKhailfa, Baderadeen Al-Khasosa, Hessa AlRefai, Abdulrasool AlMosawi
Language: Arabic
Al Sadu | The Techniques of Bedouin Weaving
This book, is the first of its kind on the techniques of Bedouin weaving with detailed descriptions and illustrations of the main design patterns and their setup. The book includes as well a comprehensive glossary of the main sadu weaving terms and their meanings by Dr Azza Kararah.
Author: Anne – Rhona Crichton
Publisher: Sadu House
Language: Arabic & English