Tag Archives: Culture

Across Australia
A traveling exhibition created by Dijanne cevaal
 Dijanne cevaal
An Eye on Hong...
This book draws on 28 years of photography by one man to present an essay on the beauty, the colours...
 Keith Macgregor
Andean Textile Heritage
Study on Precolumbian textiles from major cultures and weaving centers.
 Ruth Corcuera
Aiming to capture in detail the nomadic Bedouin lifestyle, Alan Keohane provides a photographic portrait of a people struggling to...
 Alan Keohane
Bogolan: Shaping Culture through...
In this illustrated book, Victoria Rovine explores the revival of a traditional African textile known variously as bogolanfini, bogolan or...
 Victoria L. Rovine
All About the Bulgarian history, geography, culture and tourism.
 Valentin Denev
Bulgarian Folk Costumes  Anita Komitska & Veska Borissova
Guide book
 M. Ali Birant
Cloth and Human Experience
a wide variety of cultures and eras, discussing production and trade, economics, and symbolic and spiritual associations.
 Annette B. Weiner & JaneSchneider
Colours of the Indus:...
Exhibition catalogue.
 Nasreen Askari and Rosemary Crill
Decorative Textiles from Arab...
One of the most distinctive features of Islamic design is the evolution of an increasingly abstract and repetitive repertoire of...
 Jennifer Wearden
Egyptian Textiles
This book looks at the archaeological importance of textiles, describing and illustrating recently 'rediscovered' garments, and translating little known related...
 Rosalind Hall
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