Studio SADI is a residency program whereby two local artists and creatives are chosen quarterly with the purpose of creating a creative space for design and innovation in textile arts. Studio SADI is an extension of SADI initiative that was launched in 2016 and serves as a space for all creatives to tackle into the exciting and rich craft and art of Sadu, Kuwait’s colorful weaving heritage. Artists can apply by completing the application form as our esteemed society members will assess the applications and select the artists to be enrolled in the program.


SADI is an ambitious program envisioned by AlSadu Society to encourage creativity and innovation in textile arts and design for artists in Kuwait. The diverse textures and techniques, rich colors and bold symbolism found in textiles add to our growing appreciation and recognition of textiles as a contemporary fine art, and have led Sheikha Altaf Salem Al Sabah and the AlSadu team to introduce this initiative. This program is aimed to foster artistic creativity by cooperating with different artists from all intrinsic disciplines. Our esteemed society members will assess applications and select artists to be enrolled in the program.