Celebrating 30 years

Celebration exhibition of the 30 years anniversary on the founding of the AlSadu Society

Chairpersons Word

‘The AlSadu Society was established in 1991 as a weaving craft cooperative, concerned with safeguarding Kuwait’s textile heritage, its related craftsmanship as well as honoring the fine skills and manual dexterity of the women weavers that carried it forward from generation to generations over the years.

This special 30th anniversary celebrates the thirty years of Al Sadu Society’s work in preserving these traditions and transferring them towards new contemporary horizons, that have enriched the cultural identity and contemporary creative expression.
Thirty years of documenting the techniques and artistic skills and their transmission through serious instruction and educational programs to young students and future generations.

Thirty years of encouraging youth to crafts and innovation in the field of weaving and weaving traditions.

Thirty years in highlighting Kuwaiti cultural heritage and spreading the awareness of it locally, regionally and globally. In 2020, the art of Sadu was selected on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.’

“Together we work, together we celebrate”

Bibi Duaij J AlSabah

Chairperson AlSadu Society

This support continued through three interactive exhibits for top makers and shapers in Kuwait in the field of:

  • ALZAY Creative fashion
  • ALHULI Creative jewelry
  • MAKERS Creative furniture design

These celebrations emphasized the contributions of Kuwaiti designers, featuring their work in costumes, ornaments, and furniture. Their designs were inspired by the heritage of Kuwaiti weaving (AlSadu), reflecting its rich meanings, colors, and patterns.

Date: March 22-24, 2022

ALZAY Creative Fashion Exhibition

The event highlighted the creations of 14 Kuwaiti fashion designers, each producing a unique piece inspired by AlSadu, reflecting its meanings and colors through their exclusive designs.

Location: Bayt AlBader
Date: October 22-24, 2022

ALHULI Creative Jewelry Exhibition

The event featured the works of 7 Kuwaiti jewelry designers, each creating a distinctive piece inspired by AlSadu, showcasing its meanings and colors through their exclusive designs.

Location: Sadu House
Date: December 13-17, 2022

MAKERS Creative Furniture Design Exhibition

The event showcased the works of 10 Kuwaiti designers, each creating a distinctive piece of furniture inspired by AlSadu, reflecting its meanings and colors while incorporating contemporary elements into their exclusive designs.

Location: Bayt AlBader