أي صورة متوفرة

Color and Fiber

 كاتب: Patricia Lambert, Barbara Staepelaere, Mary G. Fry  Publisher: Schiffer Publishing  : 1986  ISBN: 0-88740-065-5  اللغة: إنجليزية  Classification Number: 746.15 F.M  Registration Number: 17  Tags: artColorcraftFiber |

Fiber artists will welcome this opportunity to learn how to use and control color with this monumental and exquisitely beautiful book. Whether they stitch, quilt, weave, work in macrame, hook rugs, knit, crochet, or experiment in mixed media, the artists will benefit from the authors’ techniques for solving color problems. Color and Fiber is divided into three sections.

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الطلبات الشائعة
ابدأ كتابة أسم المنتج لعرض المنتجات التي تبحث عنها.
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